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About Us and Why Fresh is So important

Farm fresh was created out of necessity. Being diagnosed obese, on 7 prescription medications a day, I had to make a change. I started researching what my medications and obesity were doing to my general health as well as each organ the medications were affecting. The information was utterly terrifying and it prompted me to start an endeavor of healthy eating - using meats, veggies, fruits, herbs and spices as my medications. The results for me were astounding! I went from 300 pounds and dying down to 200 pounds and flying. I have to admit I do not like, by just eating high quality "real" nutritious foods I was able to get each and every one of my health issues under control.

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FREE Grocery Delivery - Every Wednesday and Saturday

Safety Harbor Market on Main - Every Sunday from 10a-2p

400 Main Street  Safety Harbor, FL 34695

Gulfport Tuesday Morning Market - Every Tuesday 9a-2p

Beach Blvd, Gulfport, FL 33707

Weekly events

Our mission all starts with a seed at Farmfresh Buy the Best